Combat the winter blues>

Combat the winter blues

When the days are cold, wet and dark, it’s natural to feel a bit bummed out.

Though many of us experience a mood shift in response to the lack of sun during winter, that doesn’t mean we need to let negative feelings hold us back.

That’s why we’re here to give you the heads up on a few top ideas to help give you a little lift.

Top tips and better savings

A key weapon against the seasonal slump is to get active! While the weather might be rubbish, getting outdoors to for a walk or other fun activity can be a great way to take a break and get out of your own head. We’ve even given you a handy breakdown of some of Britain’s top beaches to help you plan where to go.

When you’re stressed out, it can be really hard to get to sleep. Give yourself a break and get a solid night’s rest with 41% off a £300 spend on all Simba hybrid mattresses and 10% off sound therapy systems and white noise machines with Sound of Sleep UK.

It’s okay to need a little pick-me-up on occasion. Meet up with friends and save on a coffee with 10% off your bill at Starbucks, treat yourself to 20% off a cheeky spa day or give yourself something to look forward to with top savings on holidays.

Need to talk?

Sometimes, sadness isn’t seasonal, if that’s the case – it’s important to know that you don’t have to suffer in silence.

Make sure you speak to your GP or if you’re struggling with loneliness, loss, being separated from your loved ones or adapting back to civilian life, you can always reach out to the following services:

- Combat Stress has a free 24-hour helpline available on 0800 138 1619, or text on 07537 173683. 

- The Samaritans offers emotional support 24 hours a day, in full confidence. Just call 116 123.  

- Anxiety UK runs a helpline staffed by volunteers who each have personal experience with anxiety. It’s available between 9:30-5:30, Monday to Friday. Call 03444 775 774. 

- StepChange provides help and information for people dealing with a range of debt problems. Call 0800 138 1111 for free or visit their website.