Your funniest stories from basic training>

Your funniest stories from basic training

While training obviously continues throughout your career in the armed forces, thinking about the experiences new recruits go through can certainly bring back memories of some of the stupid (read: hilarious) escapade(s) you got up to during basic training.

Though we doubt you remember drill training or being screamed at by your Sarge fondly, we love hearing your stories so asked you to tell us some of your funniest memories from back in the day and by God, did you deliver!

Some had us busting a gut laughing, others had us wincing, so we’ve collated a few of our favourites for posterity:

Gary, told us via Instagram that he’d had to “apologise to a tree for ten minutes as he’d forgotten to put his beret on”, while Sean claimed that, while training at RAF Halton, “a very angry Sgt Dean” had locked him (and three other recruits) in the phone box with the lights off “because there was a spider in there that we should have moved.”

Karl, on the other hand, remembers hiding a mug of cold coffee in a top locker just before the officer arrived for a room inspection at Halton… “You can probably guess the rest… The officer found it and stupidly tilted it towards himself pouring half a mug of cold coffee all over his shirt. No one in the room managed to keep a straight face. Everyone got jankers for a week.”

Personally however, our favourite story came from Adrian who – after “using Pledge furniture polish as a flamethrower to kill time – hadn’t realised the glossy impact it was having on the highly buffed floor…’

“Next morning, after calling “Room Attention”, the Corporal entered like Bambi on ice and barely stayed on his feet. I was one of two people facing the door…trying not to laugh, tears rolling down my face. When he exited the room there was a pause, the door clicked shut, and the room exploded in laughter.”

Get in touch!

We love your stories and our team were in stitches so please keep them coming! Keep an eye on our social media channels for new questions and updates, and your story could be featured in our upcoming blogs!

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